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Tuesday 15 February 2011


Check out this lovely stuff on my products page at www.zumbaaberdeen.com nothing to do with Zumba, just LOVELY!!!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Meal Ideas

A few suggestions for you but before I start I need to point out that my days can be a little upside down because of the classes I do at night:

Yesterday -

Breakfast: Small portion of chicken pasta with tomato sauce from last nights family dinner (needed to top up my glycogen stores for classes this evening)

Late Lunch: Scrambled eggs, hot smoked salmon and mixed salad

Supper: Sliced cheese, apple and grapes

Today -

Breakfast: Steamed spinach and then cooked with garlic, tomatoes and pepperoni strips along with thinly sliced courgette and aubergine griddled with cumin, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Lunch: Roast vegetables with chicken and bacon

Supper: Cheese and olives, small glass of wine (to chill with ;-)